If I were to stay in Malaysia for an extended period of time.
Like, seriously!
The incompetency and "tidak-apa" attitude is infuriating!!
Worst thing is, the whole frigging nation is practising it like a religion.
Every day, every corner you turn, every single little thing that you need to get done, something and someone is bound to piss you off with their lack-of-brain-cells syndrome and couldn't-give-a-damn attitude.
Even with the most straight forward task, something as simple as lifting a finger and pressing that "enter" button on the keyboard, you can expect some fucktard to screw up because that's how effing lazy and stupid they are.
And when that happens, all you get is
"there is nothing we can do now". Not "
we're sorry", not
"we'll try to fix it", but
"tak dapat buat apa-apa lah".
It's basically saying,
"Yes, so we screwed up, but we don't know how (or can't be arsed) to fix it. So you just admit it's bad luck and take it lah."Then they shrugged, and walked away, avoiding your angry stares.
End. Of. Story.
All you can do now is to suck it up like a pathetic loser and repeatedly curse that motherfucker in your head with all the foul words you can think of while he/she happily shakes their legs and enjoys a hot cup of kopi-o.
There is seriously nothing you can do. That's how fucked up it is!
And we're surprised why we're still a third world country? Really?
Yes I'm angry. Yes I'm bloody pissed off!
Because of some arsehole who can't freaking do his job, there's a high probability that I won't be able to finish
my secret project before I head back to Melbourne.
All that fuckwit had to do was to press two buttons on his keyboard to upload the result of
my theory test, which was already in the computer by the way, so I could be cleared to proceed to stage II on time. But noooooooo, the dumbass just had to screw that up and not tell anyone until I found out a frigging week later.
And that's a week too late for me to finish stage II on time, you arsehole!
So after I've gone through the trouble and done everything on my part to complete all requirements of stage I within a week, now I'm stuck to bear the consequences of his irresponsibility and retardness.
Great. That's just fucking great!
Oh yes, I've taken the matter to his superior. And then the superior of his superior.
Not only did they not have the courtesy to call you back like they promised you they would, they did not apologise, not once, for the mistake and inconveniences their incompetence had caused. Let alone offer any solution for the problem.
Can't really say I was surprised though. This is Malaysia, for God's sake!
There. Is. Nothing. You. Can. Do. About. It.
I'm SO frustrated and angry now that my hands are shaking involuntarily and my stomach feels like it had been flipped upside down. I'm so pissed off that I feel like scratching off someone's faces and then punch them in the head.
These are the times that I wish I had superpowers so I could sneak out at night and beat the crap outta those imbeciles. (See why I said I need anger management?)
But no, I don't have superpowers, so I'm just gonna sulk in my little corner like a real sucker.
And I leave you with this clip of my favourite scene from Adam Sandler's Anger Management. I hope it makes your day a better one than mine.
Later, peeps!